Let's Get Real Astrology

The Scorpio Shadow

Episode Summary

Katie and Dena take on the Scorpio Shadow. They discuss the Scorpio Shadow archetypes, and what fears trigger these shadow behaviors. Katie notices the overlap between Virgo and Scorpio. They reflect on questions that can help to activate the healing power of the Taurus polarity, mainly: How can I feed my need for passion and excitement while maintaining my need for security?

Episode Notes

Questions for reflection for integrating the medicine of the polarity:

What are three simple things I can do to bring more stability to an area of my life that feels chaotic?

What are three ways that I can get grounded and in my body?

How can I feed my need for passion and excitement while maintaining my need for security?

If you have a topic idea for a future episode, you can reach out to us:

Katie on IG: @sparkthesun

Dena on IG: @denadecastro

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