Let's Get Real Astrology

The Sagittarius Shadow

Episode Summary

Katie and Dena continue the Shadow series with Sagittarius. They talk about the ways that this shadow can express itself as: The Know-it-All, The Hedonist, The Eternal Youth, and The Con Artist. They discuss the ways in which "manifestation" belief systems can easily draw us into this shadow. And they answer the question: "Why does Sagittarius energy trigger us so much?"

Episode Notes

What fears trigger the shadow behaviors of Sagittarius?

Fear of being confined or trapped

Fear of not being recognized

Fear of not knowing or not having the answers

Journaling or Questions for reflection for integrating the medicine of the Gemini polarity:

How can I cultivate a practice of deep listening in my conversations?

What am I curious about? 

What do I still have yet to learn?

If you have a topic idea for a future episode, you can reach out to us:

Katie on IG: @sparkthesun

Dena on IG: @denadecastro

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